The Marathoner Gina Brooke

ELLE (April 2007)

Gina Brooke, Shu Uemura's artistic director, handled Madonna's makeup during the pop star's Confessions Tour. "I'd start at 7 pm, and by 12:30 am it would look exactly the same," Brooke says from L.A. The key is prepping the skin by removing dead cells via exfoliation, then following with moisturizer. "Otherwise," she says, "concealer or foundation with show every wrinkle and crack in your face."

SECRET WEAPON: L'Oreal Paris Elnett hairspray. "It's amazing for brows," she says. "Mist it on a brow brush, and then comb the hairs up. It won't flake."

TRICK OF THE TRADE: "I always use two blushes, because the color will hold longer than if you applied only one shade," Brooke says. "A dry powder on top of a cream intensifies a blush and keeps it in place for a while."

BROOKE'S KIT: (Clockwise from top left) Shu Uemura Glow On Blush in P Pink 30; Giorgio Armani Sheer Cream Blush #2; before applying any makeup, Brooke smoothes on Dr. Brant Pores No More, which contains flaxseed oil. "It helps decrease oil production immediately, keeping makeup in place," she says; "Throughout the day or night, I use powder-free Shu Uemura blotting paper everywhere, even the eyelids."

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